
me and you
i may be dead honey but i was left with my eyes

i've had that line engraved on the inside of my ears for the past couple of days. last night was interesting. i went to money. yes, a club downtown. lol. i actually had fun. it's definitely not something i would do every weekend... hell, i don't know when i'll ever do it again... but it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. it was possible to dress like meeee (ie. no short skirts and boob popping out tops) and dance without compromising my dignity. lol. jeanette and i pretty much sticked with each other and avoided the creep-os. we did find a couple of fun people to dance with for a bit... but the ratio of fun people to creepy people wasn't good.

at times i literally felt like a piece of meat. yes, a common terminology. but you know what? it works. we would walk by guys that were just leaning against the walls and whatnot and they would reach out their hands to grab us, make some sort of incoherent noise at us, or just leer. and that wasn't cool. but you know what, i was less offended and more sad. it made me sad to think that it probably works with some girls. hell, by the end of the night, there were enough people making out to prove that it works.

then comes time to get a taxi. yipes. there were fun people dancing to a street performer man's renditions of brown eyed girl, bob dylan, and tom petty. that was kinda fun for awhile until my hair started to freeze to my head and the friendly strangers realized they were far too old for us (yet continued to talk to us, i might add)... where was i? whatever. i was cold and wanted to go home. seema chased away the first cab that could have taken us to scarborough. i wanted to smoosh her with my fingers. when we finally did get a cab, he was satan. blamed us for the dvp being closed. and almost killed us with his attempts at driving in the snow. he makes me rethink this whole cabbing it home idea. especially in bad weather.

BUT, the moral of the story (that turned out far too long) is... FEAR NOT. you can go to a club and be yourself and have fun with your friends with minimal creepiness. just make sure you are super duper drunk. mwah.

ps. if you get to skip the line cos the bouncers think you're hot and cool... then it must be true. i'm officially hot and cool.