
girl you got me shook
i met a boy today who told me i was a redhead. he said that redheads were godsends and that he imagined them all as free spirits in san francisco. sometimes boys are nice. completely off the mark... but nice just the same.

other than that... i saw shawn/sean desmond at a club in montreal and jeanette and i laughed our drunken asses off. sean/shawn fucking desmond people.


i'll have you nekid by the end of this song
montreal. a city where strangers come up and kiss your hand, where the rain falls in torrents, and where government buildings look like candy.

i love the way that everyone at mcgill has simply fallen in love with montreal. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. lol. im sorry im boring. frosh does this to your head i think. love to everyone and good luck with their moving days!


i'm a sucker for people that want me for all the wrong reasons
its early and im pooped. i went to bed at around 3 and woke up at 9 and couldn't get back into snooze mode. montreal's ladies' nights are madness. not only is there no cover, but ladies also drink free. let's here it for the ladies. i was pretty sure giving away FREE alcohol was illegal. but, as carla would say... whatev.

things are weird and fun... and there's a bee in jeanette's room. she's freaking out and its enjoyable cos i am bee free.

must go... off to an expo's game. woo. lol.


who's got the crack?
so i'm here. and i want to start this up regularly again. montreal is beautiful, mcgill is gorgeous, my room is small, the wind just blew my door closed all creepy-like, and i can hear some sort of sport practicing at the field outside my window.

university is very weird. everyone is super friendly. understandable considering most people don't know anyone. but... i find it hard to connect with people like this. i mean, i've talked with people and visited strangers' rooms. but its just chit-chat and perma-happy faces all around. i have this idea that i'm not going to really WANT to make a friend until all this "first week" nerves and stuff go away. hell, it will probably take longer than a week. i can't tell who i want to be friends with because no one is being themselves. i spent most of the morning with this one girl who seemed really nice... then 2 guys walked by and chit-chatted with us. just as they leave she turns to me and says, "i got with both of them last night." nice girl. but geeze.

people are weird. i relish the normal ones i find. weird that i'm seeking out the normal ones. but its true. normal people are rarities here.

i don't know how to make this room my own. i sit here and look at this tape mark on my wall... wondering how to cover it. and everything i try to do just makes it look silly. i dunno. tape mark it is.