
life is funny... but not ha ha funny
i would like some romance please. too bad that usually romance just makes me want to puke... and laugh. in that order. sometimes at the same time. but i don't want that kind of romance. i want MY kind. you know. where no one tries. where he doesn't even realize that he's being romantic. because when he knows, he just gets all dumb and "coy" (lol. yes, that was a direct shot at you). so this is what i'm asking for: romance without you realizing what you're doing. i'm not sure how you can arrange that... but it would be nice. i am so difficult and easy at the same time. contradict baby. contradict.

i went to see pretty girls make graves and the constantines tonight. both their sets were awesomeness. i think its funny that before the show started, i saw the singer for the constantines standing around... and i didn't know it was him (i never know what bands look like for some reason) and i thought to myself... "wow, that guy looks really out of place." i love me. which reminds me of the time i spilled coffee on my lap during eastern relgs class. and to "fix" it... i poured a shitload of water all over myself. kira laughed. and i loved myself again.