
late. right.
me - "so how was your weekend?"
floormate - "it was weird."
me - "i know eh."
floormate - "i thought things would be different."
me - "how so?"
floormate - "it was as if i never left."

that pretty much sums things up for me. i was thrown back into the exact same environment that i had left almost two months ago... and it was weird. i expected change. i expected to have missed lots and lots. but at least on the surface, things seemed exactly the same. in fact, deeper than the surface... things, in most cases, still were the same. so there i was... standing in my old shoes, the ones i had left behind, feeling slightly uncomfortable that they still fit the same.

perhaps thats why i was so eager to get back here... so i could feel as if i didn't just regress back into the place i had moved away from. i want to keep moving forward... not go back to the exact same spot. it scared me how easy it was to do just that.