
i must be fine cos my heart's still beating
i do not think i can take another week of this... never mind another week and a half. i am going insane. everyone is study crazy sick MAH. this has been the most boring day of my life. we are all cooped up in here with the only escapes being the library and the gym. any other break seems unjustifiable. that is until friday. o lord, friday could not come soon enough. it also seems that everyone has simultaneously run out of money. its like parents know. they plan that we all run out of money during exam time so there is no way we can go out and have fun. o parents. always so sneaky.
everyone needs to blog about 2390487324 more times so that when i check your blogs 32432 times a day, there will at least be something there for me to read. HOLY SHIT I WANT TO CLAW MY EYES OUT. just so i will have something to do... ie. crawl around my room searching for my eyes and try not to bleed to death.
you may be wondering... sam, why don't you study or something... and here is my response... THERE is NO WAY i can study for a whole day straight. actually, i am seriously surprised... given a whole day, i can only study for a small portion of it. this frees up a hell of a lot of time considering that everyone else seems to go on 10 hour study binges. so i think i might start killing people. for something to do.
i have been feeling a violent streak coming on... who wants to go on a killing spreeeeee? let's kill all the people at the library. put them out of their misery. and then pass our exams with flying colours, just to spite them. mwhahaha.