
if i could sleep forever...
- i am feeling very much in love. i will spare you the girlish details... but just know thats how i feel.
- i am starting to stress over my major... o gawd. major.
- i need to develop a camera from new years and the likes
- i booked my trains home for spring break (the telephone operator booking man was mean and i wanted to reach into the phone and poke his eyes out)
- i am obsessed with drawing seahorses and cherries
- i want to cut my hair even shorter
- i am reading the "tao te ching"
- i am listening to a lot of "the wrens" and "neutral milk hotel"
- i need to buy more black yarn so i can finish my halter top
- my ass is sore from kickboxing last night
- it is a balmy -14C here in montreal. BALMY compared to the -35C
- i left my keys in my door