
a little late... but at least i'm not preggie
here's my new year's resolutions list... i am thinking of it on the spot so do not expect anything life changing from me this year. lol.
(in no particular order... but then again, they are coming to me in a particular order and that must mean something, right?)

1. drink more.
2. smoke more. (i am going against the norm with these "more" resolutions)
3. continue the work-out schedule i perfected first semester
4. start writing again. and not just on here... in a notebook... on paper
5. start sketching... nothing big... just SOMETHING
6. become better friends with suzie. figure out why i get this cold vibe from her... even though i think she's wicked awesome. also, must figure out why i always feel the need to impress her... and why she always seems to be better than me. and why this matters at all.
7. buy a new cd every other week. i figure i can catch up on a lot of bands i want to know if i just follow this one.
8. buy more presents for people. just little things. and write them more notes. because coming home to notes and presents is always loverly.
9. find a place to live for next fall. AH. so excited.
10. stop thinking so much about you know what sam.
11. stop caring how i come off to people... how i am appearing to them... my "image"... because its petty and i hate it. it absolutely disgusts me about myself. and its been getting worse.
12. care about the small things less. (i know this is a common one... but it needed to be said)
13. do more exploring in montreal
14. stop trying to fix my family

thats all thats coming to mind right now... i might add some more on later... well, i am going to lie down and feel uncomfortable in the bed that i have been away from for 2 weeks. sigh.