
one final reflection (right)
2003 was a really good year for me. and because i like lists... i will make another one. (just so you know, this is the first time since holidays began that i have been alone with my computer... and this has gotten me excited in ways i imagine conjugal visits excite the criminals. this is why i am posting so much and thinking even more)

why 2003 was a panty-slut of a year...
- i turned 19
- i finished high school
- valentine's day (how teenager of us!)... and every single time that followed
- i moved out... and spent a wonderful summer in downtown t.o.
- i learned a lot about living with people... and being lonely and homesick
- the black-out... the amazing energy that comes out of people when the power goes out.
- "sarsfest" even though i fucking hate that term. ac/dc rocked my tits off.
- i got into mcgill and had the balls to go
- i realized that you can't get away from high school... and when it comes to the friends that i've made there, i really hope they won't let me get away.
- i am beginning to learn that my life isn't a book that i am writing... even though i would like it to be. it is something i'm living... and maybe my life isnt the book i would want to read, maybe im not the character i would write... but maybe that's ok. maybe my obsessions with characters and plots and everything i want to be... is silly and i should live the book, not try to write it. (this makes a lot of sense in my head. trust me.)
- i have learned that leaving a place really makes you appreciate the place you left... and sometimes makes you question why you left. but the way the new place transforms the old place for you and makes it more special and more meaningful... well, thats reason enough. it makes me want to leave more places in order to gain more meaning and more perspective.
- i am starting to get tired and could probably go on forever. 2003 taught me a lot. it was love and independence and happiness. it was a year of firsts and movement. it was all movement, actually. the waiting finally stopped and all the things i was waiting for began rushing over me... and its weird. its all happening.