
here comes the story of a hurricane
- some stupid cunt on my floor stole my face cream. YES. my face cream. my brand new 12 dollar jar of oil of olay. i left it in the bathroom for 2 minutes and poof. its gone. and i know it was her. i am going to flog her with a mallot. and an axe. and then i will pistol whip her. until her face falls off.

- on thursday i tied a ribbon around my wrist. i feel like i should think of something that it is supposed to remind me of.

- i am obviously uninspired to write anything anymore. but i did have a dream about a painting. so i'm thinkin that's a sign for me to paint it. but i don't think i really liked it. it started out good in my dream... and then for some reason i painted a giant man just off-centre... and he was hideous.

- do u ever just want to leave? to get on a bus with a small knapsack with one change of clothes? to decide a destination later? to bring some books and some music and a notebook or two... and just leave. leave a note on your door that tells people nothing. i have been fighting this irresistable urge for about a week now. mind you, reality eventually does sink in. where would i stay? i have no money. what would i do? etc.etc. but still. i think i wish i was the kind of person that could hop on buses and trains and planes. and... well... stop asking the questions i don't have answers to. or... keep asking them and stop caring that i don't have answers. possibly i think that i am the kind of person who could hop on buses and planes and trains. possibly. and possibly it scares me. scares me into stopping myself.

- does anyone else feel that adventure is dead? its been lost in the tourist industry... and possibly hollywood. i don't want to have a vacation or a hollywood screenplay. i just want... inbetween days... full notebooks... a head filled with something besides coursepacks... to feel lost... to leave things and return to them differently... i want to forget and remember... damn this restlessness with a lack of motivation and money. and courage.