
i suck
i'm extremely deflated and unresponsive. all i can figure out is that its got to be due to everything going on around me all at once. its because i feel like i should be done school but still have these 5 fucking units to do. and i have no energy to do them... which stresses me out even more. i'm worried that i won't finish them simply because i don't have the will power anymore.

(sidenote: i'm tired of watching this tampax commercial in which this dumb bitch's boyfriend shakes her tampon as if it were a sugar package. who the fuck looks at a tampon and mistakes it for sugar? no matter how pretty the package is... it's not sugar. it's a wad of cotton made for shoving up vaginas and absorbing uterus lining. and someone needs to fill the boy in. second, he's on a fucking DIET? my god. i hate tampon commercials. if i had a tampon commercial it would go as such... "see this? stick it up there. it works real good." CUT. that is all that needs to be said. no giggling girls playing sports poorly or stupid boyfriends who have apparently never heard of periods. no one giggles when they put tampons in. no one likes playing sports while they're bleeding. no one wants a boyfriend that they have to explain periods to. i want raw truth here.)

i don't think this blah feeling is going away until i finish these units. and that makes me sad. because all i feel like doing right now is wrapping myself up in blankets and sleeping for a very long time.