
my hectic, possibly most stressful to do list yet
finish my damn calculus course... hence finishing high school
pack up clothes, mattress, and lamp for moving day
pick a moving day
go shopping at shoppers to scam discounts (woo jeanette) on such things as feminine products, shampoo, razors... things that i forget i need because i've never had to buy them before
send in some stupid form to get a quebec student number
quit my lovely relaxing cafe job... which has been ruined by new bitchy, big-necked, hot dog cart lovin' boss *shudder*
find a new, hip job downtown
if that fails... find any sort of job downtown NOW

wow. i'm stressed. i've got loose ends everywhere that need tying. and if you know me, you know that i am horrible at multi-tasking. well, i'm obsessive when i know something needs doing but i am unable to do it NOW. i want high school to be done with. i want to close that book and i'mthisclose to doing just that. i want to move out with minimal sentimentality from family. i know that's horrible... but i can't deal with any more emotions. my bucket is full as it is. keep your feelings away from me! ah. i'm kidding.

everything's just really exciting when i think about it.