
i'm a high school lover
and you're my favourite flavour

i don't sleep as well when i'm in your bed. i wake up multiple times during the night. you don't have a comforter. i worry that perhaps your loft bed will not hold the both of us or that i will sleep ugly. but, there's something about getting used to sharing a bed with someone... that is just wonderful. i actually like getting less sleep. i like not being completely comfortable. i'm not uncomfortable either. its odd. i like that i wake up and see you beside me. i like that i don't just pass out and wake up as if i were in my own bed. i like the differences. how can i explain? i'm sure you know. its about learning to be... just be... with someone else. its about sharing a space... (a space that i'm used to having all to myself...) and attempting to integrate another breathing, living being into that space. its a strange, new kind of sleeping... and i like it.

perhaps, in ways... i hope i never get completely comfortable. does that make sense?