
point-form update
- i'm done. this is supposed to be the week for enjoyment... the ceremonies and love... i'm excited. i guess.

- i'm circling (actually circling... with pen and everything) waitressing jobs in the newspaper... i'm exaggerating my resume... i feel like i'm in a movie.

- someone called me a redhead and i haven't stopped beaming. why? beats me. but i'm a redhead.

- i bought a whole lot of yarn today. i figured out how to make a shirt. and its cute. i love it. now i know how to fix my mistakes and make this one better. i love crocheting.

- i watched "frida" this morning. it was loverly. inspired me to paint. inspired me to be girly... and emotional. and not have that mean that i am weak. i think that is why i love frida so much. she had this way of being heartbroken, needy, lonely, emotional, teary... yet strong as all hell. and i like that. i want to be all the things i already am... weepy, easily brought to tears, hormonally challenged, emotional as all hell... but i want to think of these things as strengths. she carried womanhood well. if i can be half of what she was... i will be happy.

- i love my mom.

- i am uber lazy all the time. i start each day sipping coffee on my roof and reading. i love the way no one on the street notices me. except for the european old woman across the street who gives me weird looks. oh... and one of the russians that laughed at me as he walked inside. i crochet... and write... i take walks and have toast and honey at my kitchen window. i buy ribbon and wear it as a bracelet. i wear pigtails and go barefoot. i'm feeling different. i'm being really emotional... but it means something. i can't quite put my finger on it... but things are happening inside me. i'm changing and that takes a lot out of me. this explains my laziness. lol. eh, i try.

- i'm in love. i never tire of saying that. *blushes*