
what i've learned today (so far)
- a day started even with the best intentions of getting some calculus done... can go horribly wrong... in the best of ways
- the connection between placenta, fetus, and umbilical cord
- friends with cars that understand cravings for starbuck's caramel frappacinos (only 500 calories per gulp) are the greatest friends ever
- friends with cars are also horrid, horrid (sidenote: i really enjoy the word horrid) people because they take me away from school and work
- taking/waiting for the bus just becomes so much better in warm weather with a good book
- i made the right choice as far as universities go
- my resume sucks ass.
- i am going to be ok.

i NEED to go do calculus now... just wanted to spread some love. and tell you all... and myself... that i'm good.

ps. everyone must pray that i find a job... even with my crapfest of a resume.