
if i had a shotgun, you know what i'd do
more point-form useless notes... because i have so much to say and an actual entry just seems like it would go on and on and on...

- prom was nice. it was all about the preparation and little about the celebration. everyone was beautiful and fun. and it was nice to think that these WERE the people i went to high school. everything about high school all of a sudden becomes past tense. its weird.

- i am typing really fast.

- i think it would be really fun if metallica all of a sudden decided to introduce a female member to their band. and still funnier if the female member was me. and EVEN funnier if i only wore baby pink with flowers in my hair... and i played the triangle and ran around the stage/video sprinkling flowers everywhere. that is what metallica needs. kind of like the how the screamer in alexisonfire provides this overtone of... well, scream. i think i should provide metallica with an overtone of love and girl. all you need is love ST. ANGER looooooooveeeeeeee

- making breakfast, taking walks, and laughing our way through crossword puzzles... this is the kind of love i have. i win.

- this summer means something. it is starting to take on a very dream-like quality for me. it is smashed with meaning and time to think and sad thoughts and happy thoughts and sad thoughts confused as happy thoughts... and everything inbetween. it is a changing time. a weird time. but nicer than the past year's crazy changing. this is different. i really can't communicate it well enough. just know that its happening.

- my dad seems to miss me. and its weird. but he smiles at me more when i am babbling to him about nothing. he seems eager to tell me pointless things. but they become less pointless in his eager eyes. i dunno. i think this whole thing is really working for our relationship. the fact that i even feel we have a relationship now... is a big thing.

- i think i should learn how to freestyle. how cool would that be?

- i think i went to elementary school with sean paul. does that make sense? lol. he has one of those faces.

- my skin is peeling. ew. sunburn. SUMMMMMMMMMMER. ah. mmmmmmh.

- everyone come visit me now. ok? O.K.

- i hate people that are weird in relationships. i don't get why people hide things. how can that work? its frustrating for everyone. OK? O.K.?

- i want to go to more patios. now. patio drinking and lazying around. come joing me. or join me. whatever suits your fancy.

- i shall end this now. bbqing awaits me. ahhhhhhhhh.