
that whispering feeling
it has been raining for 2 days straight. im not sure if this is supposed to coninue tomorrow or the next day. alls i know is its created a very wet, misty atmosphere in montreal. i can't see the top of the hill or the giant cross that marks it. i can't see the tops of buildings or half of the city for that matter. being how montreal is situated, the water is constantly running down the mountain. the rain here seems to have more life than i ever remember it having in toronto. it is always flowing... streaming down... racing the cars down the roads... people actually stop and point at the mini-rivers snaking their way through the downtown streets. i feel like i'm river jumping to class.

and i must get my ass moving on this essay if i have any hope of making it to the jazz club tonight. yes, i said jazz club. cos im just that hip.