
tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
me - "so why'd you transfer from ubc to mcgill?"
him - "i didn't like it there."
me - *nodding with disappointment at the shitty reason*
me - "you really need a better story."
him - "i know."
me - "let's try this again... so why'd you transfer from ubc to mcgill?"
him - *thinks for a moment* "well, i developed this really bad heroin addiction in vancouver and i came to montreal to get clean."
me - "so how come you don't have any track marks on your arms?"
him - "reconstructive surgery."
me - *impressed with the quick thinking*
the conversation continued along these lines and ended somewhere when i commented that i thought i was his grandma's coke dealer in scarborough (his grandma actually does live in scarborough though).

and presto, i had a more interesting conversation than most people at that bar. i think its a really good judge of character... to put someone on the spot and see if they can come up with an interesting lie/story. its one of my favourite things to do... request stories from people or request better versions of shitty stories. there's lots of people that wont play along... and they are the people that i do not want to talk to. maybe im just tragically sick of the usual conversation with strangers. but seriously, i find that this way of conversing just makes things flow a lot easier. and i get to weed out the stupid people who don't understand how great stories are.