
i thought i had found the one
so i'm just surfing around. tired and angry that i am so tired yet can't sleep. when i come across a website about some girl planning her wedding. and man... i just can't relate. she is talking about taste testing cakes (people actually do that? i guess it makes sense. i just never... iunno. shut up.), posting pictures of her garter belts (yes, beltS. apparantly, you need a special "toss garter"), sneaking peaks at her registry ("its like opening your gifts before christmas"), and not being able to wait to wear her beautiful wedding band.

man. i don't want a wedding like that. i love how she is super eager to wear her wedding band. never mind the whole life-long commitment partner husband thing. its all about the BLING BLING baby. and the presents. can't forget that registry. (sidenote = people need to get registered at funner places)

what ever happened to the good old days when women were married off and the husband was the one who got the big 'ol dowry? when marriages were business transactions. there was no love involved then. what happened to people marrying for the good of their family? for the lineage? so that the girl's parents would be able to eat the food the butcher's son could promise. people. have we forgotten our roots? have we lost the point of marriage? i think so. now its wrapped up in buying more shit. like a million different plates and tea pots and spoons. SPOONS. and love. geeze. no wonder the divorce rate is sky-high. no one needs each other anymore. not the way they used to. marriage used to be necessary for survival. now its just another way to score free presents and to add drama to your life. o and its disguised as, "a way to tell the world you love each other."

god. if i wasn't so much of a romantic, i would completely want to shit on marriage. but that last bit always gets me. the standing infront of all your friends and family bit. the moment that belongs to the two of you... and everyone there to acknowledge it. a moment to celebrate love and everything good. as fleeting and buried underneath everything else that it sometimes seems to be. dammit. it always gets me.