
semester numero 2
i can't complain about my schedule. actually, i will BRAG about it... i dont ever start before 1230... and i never end after 4. mwhahaha. i love it. and i finally got my first semester marks. sometimes i wish i was a science student... simply because it is far more plausible to get As in science. it feels like its harder to get As in essay courses. especially in hard essay courses. but anyways, my marks were good and the credits are in. wahoo.

my floor had wednesday night wine last night... it was loverly as always. also had a really nice chat with katums. sometimes i wish i was a boy so that i could kiss her and she would be happy. not that she needs a boy or anything... its just that if i kissed her now, she wouldn't like it as much as if i was a boy. so i wish i was a boy for that purpose. i told her that if i was a boy, i would date her. she laughed, thanked me, took a moment, and then told me that she would date me too if she was a boy. and sometimes its nice to hear that. especially from people like kate.

recently played
the white stripes - now mary
the unicorns - ready to die
the dears - we can have it
joel plaskett emergency - true patriot love
belle and sebastian - asleep on a sunbeam