
nicotine rushes just don't help
i have been in such a bad place this past week. and i don't know how to shake myself out of it. its partly school... everyone seems to be suffering from this... its comforting to know that at least. i am losing motivation by the day. my work is suffering. i just don't seem to care like i used to. so im skipping classes... writing crappy papers... watching myself slip... this is the problem. i am seeing myself developing bad habits. but i can't seem to reach the person doing these things. i can't seem to tell her to snap out of it. i'm eating poorly, i'm hanging out my window at nights, i'm dying my hair, i'm hiding in my room, i'm sleeping at all the wrong times... i'm actually feeling depressed. and i wouldn't say it unless it were true.

the world of dew
is the world of dew
and yet, and yet.