
he's badly built and he walks on stilts
i am procrastinating studying for my french exam. i think i might fail it anyways... and i really don't know how to study for an oral exam. its rainy here and i went for brunch at beauty's. its a really cute little jewish luncheonette. montreal bagels, good coffee, and prompt re-fills. i like that in a place. i came home soaked but happy. i threw on some johnny cash... now i'm going the bob dylan route. on the way home, we found the poshest, cutest vintage store. they had a ceramic clock shaped like a bowling bag for $10. o how i wanted the money to buy it. the clerk looked like she stepped out of an old movie. the store made me nostalgic for the 20s. a decade i never lived. nostalgia is weird like that. i think rainy days inspire time wastage.