
december 1
well. hello there ms. december. aren't you looking perky. some smart person told me that november was going to fly by. and they were right. here we are smack in december already. i woke up to slushie rain. when i finally woke up that is. one more paper baby. one more. i can do this, right. right. and then friday. o man i can't wait until friday. you wish you were me on friday, that's how much fun i'm going to have. and how much i am going to sleep that night.

but until then... i'm off to the gym. to wake up from this groggy state, to fight the bulge (ha), and to work off some of this sexual frustration. muah.

because sometimes you can't come back
like momma said that if you need 5 cents don't ask for 3
ask for 10, that's for sure

- de la soul