
as fast as they can
- i hate when i stay up half the night finishing a paper that is due the next day, only to have the professor announce that she is extending the due date by a week. fuckin' hell man. fuckin' 'ell.
- i am way behind in my readings, but my eyes won't stay open to read the words and my fingers fall asleep before they can turn the pages.
- my spaceheater broke and my room is still drafty, despite my attempts at "weather proofing"
- i am feeling overwhelmed with a number of upcoming papers
- i am turning 21 soon. birthdays really aren't what they used to be. now i have to figure out what to do without forcing people to come out with me just because its my birthday.
- i'm in a mood. i'm tired. let's hope its just the tiredness. that feeling is creeping up again. i will ward it off with early beddie. stay away. please.

i was doing alright there for awhile. i'm slipping.