
everyone should listen to the clash right now.
so here's two stories. i think there is a parallel here, maybe you can help me figure it out. or at least make sense of it.

situation #1
after waiting for the bus for too long, i decide to pop into the convenience store conveniently behind me. clearly this is a bad idea as i come out with a box of cookies. stress + a box of cookies = my prediction that the cookies will be gone by the end of the night. but all of this is really besides the point. so the bus is really crowded and i am in a very strange mood. i am captivated by the man right infront of me who is balding yet has the hands of my 23 year old ex-boyfriend. i can't figure it out. so i blankly scan the rest of the bus and end up staring at this one guy (not the balding one) for far too long before i realized that i was being rude. by the ebb and flow of the bus people, he ends up behind me with his friend practically molesting my side. she is rambling about how if she had to choose to lose her sight or her hearing she'd have to lose her sight because "music has been the one thing that has gotten her out of some bad times." it is about here that i realize she has noticed my listening. she gives me a couple of sideways glances back and forth between me and her friend. she starts whispering and here i'm thinking "o poo crap. my spying abilities really need some work. foiled again." so i pretend like maybe i am deaf and didn't hear her quazi-intimate conversation. just as i feel as though i'm pulling off the "i have better things to do on the bus than listen to your conversations" look, i realize she isn't whispering about her own sad feelings anymore. she stops whispering and laughs saying to her friend... "you love her." and he replies, "how do you know?" and she says, "i just do." and she looks at me again.

situation #2
so i get off the bus wondering about my lovability when i run into a scary bumish man. i make the mistake of looking at him. clearly, he takes this as an invitation to tell me in french how pretty i am and ask me something i didn't quite understand. my blank stare and cold demeanour was obviously an invitation for him to follow me home for half a block. scary, because i only live a block away from the bus stop.

conclusion - the smile that the bus encounter put on my face was immediately erased by my stalker friend. and all i could think was... life really has a special way of keeping you in line.