
please be kind.
i feel the need to close off the chapter i opened last week... maybe you're curious, maybe you're not. did he call? did i fall?

well. we closed off the chapter together. over breakfast. i had strawberry waffles and he had peach crepes. he explained that the only way to start the day is with crepes. if he can't have crepes for breakfast, he skips breakfast altogether. quite suddenly and unexpectedly, he looked at me and he told me i had big eyes. such a small statement. but it startled me. startled me because we never say anything that reveals we had been looking at each other. its not much i guess. but it was a moment. and i responded by telling him he had small eyes.

and then i got on the train.
closing the chapter.

and it was another nice chapter. maybe my last post didn't paint a good picture. but hey, what do you expect? i'm crazy. and we're not right for each other. i can't imagine being involved in anything serious with him. but right now, it doesn't matter much. let me keep my daydreaming fantasies about cottages and summer and him.

(and maybe i just like that he makes me feel something again.)

and now that you know... we can all move on for the time being.