
life drawing. drawing life.
i'm hearing sad songs and faint smooches. i know they're buzzed off wine. and i'm smiling. its sad to realize your happiness for others has a lot to do with your happiness for yourself. we're a cruel race, humanity.

i have been having an emotional time lately. training with my school's sexual assault centre as well as... well... let's not label it. instead, i will say that we dressed up and double dated last night at a vegetarian restaurant up the street. he has a beautiful face. green eyes. and he tried to convince me to be sick this morning. he moans when i leave his side. he tells me i laugh too much.

i think he is the first to really point out the way i laugh. and i don't mean the pitch or the tone... but the way i use laughter to emote. i laugh a lot. i laugh to show affection. i laugh when he makes his voices. i laugh when he looks at me too long. i laugh when we're lying in bed. i laugh after we have sex. that exhausted laugh. i laugh when he tells me i'm beautiful. i laugh because... well... i think maybe its like everything just sort of bubbles over inside of me... and makes its way out of my mouth as laughter.

i can't imagine anything simpler.