
it takes courage to enjoy it
the hardcore and the gentle
big time sensuality

i don't know my future after this weekend
and i don't want to


a train rode my tracks tonight. and i stopped with some other bikers to watch it pass. then i followed one of them down a strange road and got lost. i'm all about following other bikers. they get me lost... and then i find another one who leads me in the direction home. the misguided trust i have in these strangers is uncanny.

and bjork kept me company the whole time. even though my fucking cd player would not stop skipping. i was reminded why bjork rules. big time sensuality. come on. what an amazing sentence to scream outloud on your bike. and dammit, if i could ride without holding on, i would have spread my arms... like that movie where meg ryan gets run over by a truck. except i am not meg ryan, and therefore would not be stupid enough to get run over like that. what a way to go.

i think that movie made me cry.