
i got the right tactics to turn you on.
i hate being a cliche.
i hate re-reading old posts and seeing the same themes re-occuring.
i hate that i can't quite remember what it was like without you... and you've only been here for 2 months.
i hate that i am dancing to sean paul right now.
i hate being rejected. i spend too much time running from rejection.
i hate that my little plant looks like its dying.
i hate myself for being scared and for pushing you away. i hate what i told you the other night... hate how it is going to change how we interract. i hate that i think i should be getting sick of you... that i should be scared of how fast we're going... when i'm not. who put these ideas in my head? why why why do i work on the timelines/rules of others!?!? this is what i must unlearn.
i'm sorry for my neurotic tendencies. please don't pull away because i told you that i am supposed to need space. i don't need space. i really don't. i don't know what to do with that space... except think of you.