
some of my friends don't know who they belong to
some can't get a single thing to work inside

"This is the secret of really vulgar and of pornographic people... sex is dirty and dirt is sex, and sexual excitement becomes playing with dirt, and any sign of sex in a woman becomes a show of her dirt."
- D.H. Lawrence, Pornography and Obscenity, 1929

so, i'm reading this book and it's really making me think. making me remember innocent childhood forays into sex... like... making my barbies "do it". lol. which is funny in itself simply because neither ken nor barbie had genitals (or nipples for that matter). i remember the way i idolized "big girls" and the awesome way girls have friendships with each other. it's also made me realize how fucked up sex ed was. does anyone remember learning anything about female orgasms? because i don't. i remember male ejaculation clearly though. it was practically stated as the main event/point of sex (talk about pressure on guys to "perform"). i also don't remember learning about the clitoris. sure, it was on the anatomy diagrams... but did they ever tell us how neat it is?! no. it also made me realize the way most of us continue to just assume that men's sexuality is more prominent and urgent... or that they "want it more." bullshit. i can remember many a conversation where we'd all agree that boys wanted sex more than girls. then i can remember being confused by this "fact" even as i was confirming it. i think we need to stop assuming that the truth is as such. it's also neat learning all these different facts about the history of female sexuality... the ways in which it used to be exhalted... then the ways it was forgotten and condemned... and now... well its hard to say. i think we just get too many mixed messages and contradictions... smacking us around like we were a tennis ball in a game with lots of grunting.

"If (a woman) is normally developed mentally, and well-bred, her sexual desire is small. If this were not so, the whole world would become a brothel..."
- Richard von Krafft-Ebing Psychopathia Sexualis, 1886
(makes me feel kinda powerful)