
on my way to work on saturday, i passed two young boys holding signs and jumping up and down frantically on the side of a country road... ok, a stretch of road that reminds me of a country road. lol. either way, as i approached them in my car i was worried that they were going to jump me and preach their baptist views in through my window... or they were going to make me feel bad for not stopping to buy lemonade. both bad. lol. but as i got closer, i noticed they were simply holding signs that said, "go leafs go!" and were trying to get cars to honk. i passed and honked as loudly as i could and watched in my rearview mirror as their fists went up in triumph. they laughed and cheered as i giggled to myself in my car.

yesterday i felt like those boys. and i somehow felt like the world was giggling at me.