
few situations make me want kids. few situations elicit that sort of maternal instinct that is supposedly inherent in me. i like kids just fine. as long as they are conveniently not mine. as long as i can view them the way i view zoo animals. lots of people want monkeys and tigers and exotic animals. but they don't actually WANT them.

it is the times when i see kids running around... standing shakily smiling at something no one can see... rolling around on each other giggling inanely... playing on things that no one else would ever think could be an object of play... its these times that make me want kids. perhaps people have kids to be a part of childhood again. this is the first reason i have ever thought of that could validate me having kids. i could see how having kids could allow you to be a part of something different. it connects you in a way nothing else could to childhood... and all the beautiful things about it that the rest of us lock away once we grow up. still, it is a selfish reason to have kids. to use them as a key to a place we are now locked out of. i dunno. maybe im just analyzing things too much. overanalyzing would be the word i was looking for.

either way, i felt like breeding today.