
i'll replace you with machines.
so here i am. montreal is the best city to watch people fall. its practically a sport here. i've already seen my first of the winter season. and i almost had my first montreal fall ever. *knock on wood* i was lucky enough to escape the falling last year. although i fell up the stairs to our apartment on friday. but that was due to alcohol not to ice. but i digress. back to people slipping. the weather right now is perfect for it. the rain is falling and freezing. and people are slipping all over the place. a city on a hill + icy streets = hilarity. and i don't just mean "oops, i almost fell"... NO NO NO. i mean... face plants, screeching falls... slipping, trying to stop, making it worse... falling into people... sliding like that water game i used to play when i was little... what the hell was that thing called? you know... you ran up to it and slid on your stomach on this wet slide thing? wow, i'm drawing a complete blank here. anyways, its like that.

i feel like this post was very all over the place and hard to follow. does not bode well for my two exams tomorrow. tomorrow night... i am practically done. o tomorrow at 5... it cannot come soon enough.