
if your only contact with me is this blog, it may seem that my life revolves around boys.
(i swear it doesn't. its just that the boys make me feel. and feelings inspire me to write. boys also confuse me. and i like to work it out on here.)

the first kiss. the first finger graze. the first cuddle. things you can't take back. things you can't do over.

"you're so cute. you're like this little thing that i brought home with me from the woods."
(we went hiking.)

i've never had a first kiss with a boy like that... a first kiss that literally turned him to mush. that made him giddy. he showed so honestly what he was feeling... and it was refreshing. and i felt it too. i am a sucker for being held.

he ran after me. ran after my car... to give me his cd to listen to on the way home.

the saddest part of a broken heart, isn't the ending so much as the start.
- feist