
i am a perfectionist at heart. and today i was incredibly peeved with my performance on my first real japanese test. i'm the kind of person who can get thrown off when all of a sudden one or two questions really stump me. so that is what happened. in the first section i saw at least 2 questions that i did not immediately have the answers to... and that was enough for me to blindly complete the rest of the test. and only realize afterwards that i made a lot of stupid mistakes... and may or may not have screwed up the instructions on an entire section. now really, this test is worth 5% of my grade. no biggie. but still. sometimes i think i've come really far in letting things slide... in accepting mistakes... and then minor incidents like this remind me that i usually just want to be perfect. always in top form.

in other/brighter news, apparently i am oozing a happiness that has not left these pores in quite a long time. this happiness is flying out of me and attacking everyone around me. i seem to have become this approachable happy wandering creature. random people in my classes are stopping me on the street to make conversation... hell, some store owning hippie even tried to pick me up on the street! this one requires telling.

sunday afternoon. i never get to use two of my favourite adjectives at once... but here goes... i was actually the perfect combination of being both sanguine and languid. it was raining. that light, misty rain. not enough for an umbrella. not enough to say you got really wet. just a gentle tappy tap from the sky. come to think of it, the sky must have been quite languid herself.

anyways... back to the story. i was wandering around duluth looking for new grocery stores (tidbit: duluth is rufus wainwright's favourite street in montreal). i passed one of the many hippie stores in the area and there was this guy standing outside talking on a cell phone. he sort of nodded at me and i continued on my way. about 3 minutes later i hear a skateboarder coming up behind me so i move to the side to let him/her pass. instead, the skateboarder dismounts beside me and i recognize the driver (ha) as the hippie store dude. enter dialogue:


"uh... hi." for some reason i am not in the least put off. i continue strolling with my new accomplice following step.

"i just saw you pass my store and i thought i'd catch up and say hi."

"well... hi."

"i'm john."

"sam." we shake on this.

"nice red flowers." he comments on my tattoo.

"nice longboard. shouldn't you be at work?"

"nah, not really."

"i see."

"what are you doing today?"

"you know... enjoying the weather. wandering. maybe some grocery shopping."

"i see." we get to the corner at this point and i am openly waiting for his pick up line... i am a little distracted with trying to figure out a nice way to not give him my number. i am surprised that i have let him tag along this far without feeling completely uncomfortable. and then it comes...

"so, are you in love?" smack in the face. i am left a little speechless and i laugh. that was unexpected.

"i'm working on it." what!? i am!? what am i saying? what are the words that are coming out of my mouth!? "are you?"

"well... no. not really. no. no i'm not." i take from this that he's seeing someone he doesn't like. "would you like to go for a drink sometime?"

"i don't think i should."

"one guy for right now?"

"yea. i think so." at this point... i am so impressed that he managed to sidestep the 'do you have a boyfriend?' question... that i encourage him! "but you know... i know where you work." i really have no intention of ever stopping by. but he genuinely seemed like a nice guy. and i wanted him to know that.

"yea... i'm sure we'll run into each other. i always notice when a princess walks by... anyways, life is long. you might find me when you're done with him." aside from the princess comment (i'm a pretty princess... la la la) i was just so impressed with his take on the pick-up. he was not creepy. he did not pressure. and goddammit, his line was... are you in love?