
the lower i sink...
so i am the last person to take cosmo seriously... believe me. BUT... and of course there is a but... i honestly read something very insightful to me in the latest fall issue. in amongst the same 98 ways to please your man and 5 ways to feel fabulous naked... there was a column about how to reach your dreams or achieve your goals or some crap like that. anyways, the part that grabbed me had to do with envy. the writer of the piece encouraged making a list of all the qualities in those around you that make you envious of them. the recognition of why you envy certain people. not just envy... also just what makes you attracted to or feel respect for certain people too. basically, the point was to identify and realize that the things/qualities/attitudes in others that make you envy and/or respect them... are obviously things you wish you had for yourself. but more than that, things that are achievable. so if you can see through the green fog, you can work towards achieving the things you want.

and honestly, its kind of insightful to think about what you honestly envy about certain others... and realize that it usually has something to do with something you are not doing, but could. and thats key. for me at least. reminding myself that i am only envious because there are people that are doing things i would love to do... and CAN do... if i get off my lazy ass and stop being afraid. maybe envy just reminds us to stop being lazy... envy as motivator? as long as you act on it i guess.

(this was really poorly written and i apologize... the words aren't flowing nicely today.)