
you look great.
i don't think most of us really stop and think about what we want. and i don't mean in that daydreamy way... like, i want to be on a beach with my personal masseuse sven. what i'm talking about is different. i don't think my generation [and yes i'm generalizing... and no, i don't actually know if "my" generation (can i even lay claim to something like this?) can have a spokesperson and really, if we can, i probably am not it but i digress] knows how to make goals. i don't meet many people who have direction... which in my opinion, is not a bad thing at all... actually, i like that attitude. i like meeting people who haven't locked themselves down into something they aren't passionate about anyways. BUT... what i don't like is an attitude that is VERY similar... people that have not thought about what they CAN have... what would make them happy. and how to get there. i think a lot of us feel bogged down with what seems inevitable... crappy careers and crappy family life that duplicates the insanity we grew up with. and i meet so many people who have no idea how to avoid that. people who assume things are going to be fucked no matter what... people who have given up.

i like the people who know what won't make them happy... and have a plan to stay away from that. people who have an idea of how they want to live... of what will make them want to wake up in the mornings... people that see all the shit they could fall into... but have enough balls to want something better.

you know what else really inspires me? people who shamelessly fall in love, get married, and have kids... and raise them with fucking guts. not sure its for me... but i like these people... who do the family thing... but make it cool. lol.

sometimes i feel like a little punk kid who still wants to fuck with the system.