
i sold my soul to adsense. well, not really. they have to accept me first. i think i just want to see if i can get accepted... and then i'll eventually realize how little i actually see to profit from this business venture. but you know what? i'm poor. if me calling google adsense a "business venture" isn't proof enough... perhaps you'd like to know that, in a moment of unabashed chivalry, the boy offered to start paying me for sex. and i seriously considered it. i mean it makes sense... i get to prostitute myself and he gets to make sure that he's my only customer. he promised to give me enough business to keep me afloat. you know what else, he calls me slurring drunk tonight... from his gig... on a dying phone... to ask me how my day was. and it was great. to know that he got really drunk and just had to call me for no apparent reason.

but this ad thing... don't hate me for it. i doubt i'll keep it. it makes me feel sorta cheap to have an ad plastered to my internet soul. like posting up paul frank ads in your diary. its cheap. but you know what? i'm not going to pretend that sometimes feeling cheap doesn't get me off. you know it.

while i'm feeling open, i should also mention that i do happen to sometimes like really bad music with really bad lyrics by semi-washed up but still incredibly hot to my inner 16 year old punk self singers... and you know what else? i like the bad lyrics. this is gold... pure gold:

"take a look around baby
yeah my whole crews ugly
but we still got the most game, the most money
the most hoes, the most honeys, it's so funny
how you hate my fuckin' guts
but at the same time love me"
~the transplants