
parade with me.
i went to life drawing on monday. "it's about goddamn time" was all i could hear as i walked into the room... a little intimidated, not quite sure if i could still do it. i smiled at the strangers, bumbled over to pick up some drawing materials... and took my seat. i could barely remember what i preferred to draw with. i thought about it... three years since i have done any serious drawing. three years. crazy how time flies by without me. i touched the paper and tested the charcoal along the side. it had been so long. like touching an ex-lover long after the romance had ended. hesitant about what you may feel. the whole experience was as personal as i had wanted. there were no suggestions as to how to draw, no comparing work, i barely even could hear how long each pose was going to be. it was just my hand, the model, and some marvin gaye streaming through the stereo in the room. for two hours.

and yes, i was rusty. my proportions were at times... horrid. my hand was weaker than i remember it ever being before. my eye wasn't quite as sharp... not as good at seeing detail and judging negative spaces... and even my mind grew weary after the first hour. but i did it. and it felt good. i was never an incredibly talented artist... but i always got something out of it. always. and i can always seem to be proud about some aspects of what i do. and drawing was always my favourite. so i'm glad i reconnected with that part of me. yes, reconnected with a part of me. that's a good way to put it.

plus, i love the body. and any excuse to study a body for two hours... is a good one. bodies are fucking incredible people. fucking incredible.