
puppies and tea
shalto (my 33 year old friend... who makes jokes about my bum. isn't it weird how i am now old enough for a 33 year old to tease me about my bum? i better end these brackets before this becomes a separate post) got a puppy and brought it into work today! it was the cutest thing ever. a rottweiler (sp?) i believe. she played around with rocks and jumped on my lap and attacked me. i fell in love. screw boys. little puppies are where its at. lol. kidding.

AND. trevor (who i just found out works for ontario hydro and reads MY metre... will now be known as "trevor the metre reading guy") brought me jasmine tea today. apparently he talked to jeff and jeff told him i wasn't feeling well. he thought that meant physically, so he drove to the cafe to bring me jasmine tea. ok, he was on his way to jeff's house anyways... but still. he took the time to make me tea (ok, not exactly the hardest thing ever) and put it in a fancy mug... and it just made me so happy. and the tea was also kick ass straight from thailand. lol. so i told him he moves up in the friendship ranks.

i heart my new friends.