
construction work fascinates me. i wonder why we look down on construction workers. let's just forget about the obvious reference/stereotype of the dirty old construction man for one second. if we can forget that... these people (usually men) are building the cities. literally building them with their hands. they are the ones responsible for the architecture we leave behind. but we credit the architects. i dont know. but to me, actually having a hand in building a city... hands on... laying metal poles down... its just kind of breathtaking. imagine being an alien. and seeing these people working... while the rest of us mull about from class to class... or office to office... getting on the bus and getting off. all the while, these men are building the structures we're moving in. we move while they build and eventually we'll move in what they build. we carry on with our daily lives and their daily lives are filled with creating. while we are just waking up, they are finishing the structures that will make up our daily landscape.

am i crazy, or is this kind of beautiful?