
i just wanted all of you.
i like how that line can mean two different things.

i just wanted to get through.

its strange putting people on pedestals. and then watching them fall. does anyone ever live up to the expectations we have of them? i cant really think of anyone right now that has truly lived up to the high place i had them sitting. are our standards too high? i'm sure i've fallen from many pedestals. no, i know i've fallen from many pedestals. i hate when i realize that someone has me on a pedestal. do we fall on purpose? do we recognize other people's expectations of us... and then deliberately fall? just so that we can be off that damn pedestal.

i wanna get some love and respect.

a friend asked me today why i was single. and i made up some bullshit answer. i'll let you in on a secret. you can tell that i'm bullshitting when i give you too much information. when i say too much. that's usually me bullshitting. either that, or i'm revealing something personal... and i really want to make sure you understand it right. so i will repeat it many different times, in different ways. its weird how my bullshitting and my revealing... are so similar. hard to tell the difference sometimes. i think that says something about me. but i'm just not quite sure what.

she keeps on waiting for time out.

funny how a good mood can be so easily ruined.

you should be in my space. you should be in my life.

i'm going to stop hoping for some contact from you.