
inspired by random blogsurfing...
i will attempt to compose a random and incomplete list of current things that anyone who wants to date me must accept... scratch that... anyone that wants to AFFECT me (ie. love me, fuck me, break me, lull me)... must realize...

- i like to hear your stories. so make them good. make them real. i will be able to tell when you are lying.
- look into my eyes when we talk.
- don't touch me when i expect it. make me want you to hold my hand, or touch my thigh... grab me when i am least expecting it.
- you need to appreciate my underwear. comments are appreciated.
- oh. and if its hot, or if i'm tired, or if i'm just not feeling you right that second... i might not want to see you, kiss you, or fuck you. deal with it. and don't whine about it. its not personal... but it will be if you don't shut up and give me some space.
- i like to go out with my friends. you will not always be invited.
- i prefer to stay over at your place. i like my space... and i like being able to leave when i want to be alone again.
- you must love music. and be able to impress me. if not with your knowledge... with your curiousity into my hobby.
- i want to have that kind of love that feels like magic. make even grocery shopping an adventure. some of the best dates are the silly ones. i appreciate the silly ones. a romantic dinner is just not as good as say, curling.
- i think every girl likes to feel a little sexy, a little funny, a little interesting and a little skanky. if you can manage to find this balance with me... you win.
- don't patronize my fashion choices. don't comment on my hair, make-up, clothes, or shoes if you don't know exactly what to say. i can be ecclectic, i like to change my hair, and yes... i will sometimes be a fashion don't. so if all you can muster is a "that's an interesting hairdo" please shut up and let me feel fabulous... what do you know anyways? retro is very in.
- i like to hear about your past experiences with girls... it proves to me that you have been affected and can affect.
- please be able to listen to me. and understand that i don't always expect a comforting response. i don't expect you to fix anything... i just want you to listen. don't feel helpless. i don't need you to save me.
- i might confuse you. i might be hot and cold with you. i'm sorry... i'm a complicated individual. lol. but i promise i can be worth it.

there's lots more but i am getting hungry and must give in to my cravings for cookies and ice cream. that reminds me... one more: feed me. i fucking love food. cook for me and i will molest you as you slave over a hot meal... nothing is sexier than you cooking and me eating.