
tell me what i gotta lose.
you know i'm bored and uninspired when...

20 years ago I...
1. was two.
2. was following my mom around the house.
3. was an only child.

10 years ago I...
1. was still a gymnast.
2. was walking home from school with andrew.
3. had braces and was in the midst of my worst ugly phase.

5 years ago I...
1. was preparing to go to Italy. (i think?)
2. was spending most of my time in a garage getting high and playing 007 on nintendo 64
3. fell in love for the first time.

3 years ago I...
1. moved to montreal.
2. was stagnant.
3. gained weight.

1 year ago I...
1. had a crush on a saxophone player.
2. went on a roadtrip to new york.
3. felt secure. again.

So far this year I...
1. have fallen in and out of love... and am currently hoping to fall back in.
2. have decided to really pursue photography.
3. have been motivated.

Yesterday I...
1. couldn't sleep.
2. spent three hours planning a video shoot.
3. felt lonely.

Today I...
1. walked to school singing.
2. played a soccer game.
3. was disappointed... again.

tomorrow I will...
1. inevitably be frustrated and lonely.
2. go for a run outside.
3. write a japanese test.

In the next year I will...
1. graduate.
2. enjoy a summer in montreal.
3. learn how to be less lonely. why is it so hard for me?