
i guess you're just what i needed.
everywhere i look there are people going at it. in the parks. in doorways. waiting to cross the street. it is absolutely amazing.

and absolutely sexually frustrating. but in the best way i guess... look at me. i'm happy for other people's mushy public displays of affection... you know what that means... i have a spring crush. and its driving me up the wall... in that insane does he like me/is this in my head/argh stop thinking about him you silly girl sorta way.

the roomie and i agree that there is nothing like that initial stage... you become hypersensitive to the other person. you play detective and take every conversation as a clue. every look, gesture... you try to understand it all. and don't even get me started on the way your senses explode when you're near them. any move they make pretty much makes your hairs stand on end. any accidental touch feels like a motherfucking drug... you just want it to happen again and again. and smells... god, its like you've never smelled anything so wonderful in your life.

one of my favourite things is the feeling... the feeling that you know you want to be around this person... that you need to be around this person. but you cannot explain why. at all. there is no reason. its fucking kinetic.