
the real tragedy... is that your act is just boring and old.


ok... on to what i am supposed to be writing about. and xxxx, i am not sure what that is... so bear with me. i know this is supposed to be some sort of post breakup closure... setting the tone for what happens next... but i got nothing. i have nothing i need to resolve. i think that the decision we made was the right one and was almost overdue. we could have saved ourselves some emotional turmoil had it happened sooner. i’m glad you are equally satisfied with things as that only reassures me that it was the right decision to not let things go on any longer. for me, its not about being in a "single" mindset... i just feel lighter. i think i was so caught up in trying to convince you of certain things... that i lost track of my own feelings along the way. i feel content about the situation, our relationship, and even its end. i agree that we weren’t right for each other and that’s maybe why i feel so at peace with the way things turned out. hahaha... i just said "at peace"... i blame spring. but really... we are at two different places... with different concepts of our selves, our lives, our needs and a lot of other things... neither one of us has it all figured out... but it became pretty evident we weren’t going to figure it out together.

i guess this is the part where i say "we should be friends"... but that is a little cliché... so instead i'll say that i miss your friendship... and we should be in touch. i won’t make it awkward. however, knowing you... you probably will.

you cunt.
